Thursday, January 29, 2015

How to Drink Lemon Water

What's one of the best ways to detox your liver and kidneys?  Lemon water!  We all know it and love it.  A warm cup of lemon water is the best.  But what about those pesky seeds?  And we all know we need to use a straw if we don't want to ruin our enamel on our teeth.  But who wants to use a plastic straw with warm water???  It just feels like the plastic is melting and you are adding more toxins to your body instead of removing them!

That is why you need to say "hello!" to the straw that is made for drinking loose leaf Yerba Mate out of a traditional gourd cup. This special straw is called a bombilla (pronounced “Bom-Bee-Sha").  We have one for drinking mate and one morning I thought... hmmm... I should try this for lemon water!

It keeps the seeds out of your mouth AND is made of metal so there is no melting plastic!  It's PERFECT!  It is basically a fancy metal straw with a covered filter at the bottom so tea leaves (or lemon seeds) can't be sucked up through the straw.

You can buy them on Amazon and at other more traditional Yerba Mate sites.  Check them out and save your pearly whites!

You can also skip the lemon and use Young Living Lemon essential oil!  It is easy and yummy and NO SEEDS!  Contact me for how to order Young Living oils!!!  Don't worry.  You can still use the awesome bombilla straw ;)

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Goodbye Winter Germs

 It seems like all of my friends are sick or have sick children. This winter is brutal!  I thought I'd share what I give to Lily (3.5 years) to keep her happy and playing and germ free!  Her colds last 1-2 days with this regimen and Adam and I don't catch them. I actually haven't had a cold all winter!  (I have my own battles though). :)

Here is a list of the products we use, what they are for, and how we use them:

  • Source Naturals Wellness Children's Immune Chewable- These are a blend of herbs that boost immune system function.  We noticed a difference in how quickly her colds would pass when we started using this product!   WHEN- Breakfast and Dinner
  • Garden of Life Vitamin Code Kids- This is a whole food multivitamin.  We choose whole food vitamins rather than synthetic vitamins.  WHEN- Lunch
  • Ultimate Flora Kids Probiotic- Probiotics are so important since the immune system begins and ends in the gut.  We choose this brand because it's a yummy chewable tablet and is refrigerated (aka better quality).  WHEN- Lunch
  •  Young Living Thieves essential oil diluted with organic coconut oil- Thieves oil is amazing for fighting germs.  We rub this on the soles of her feet after germ exposure or when sick before bed.  Why the soles of the feet?  There are more pores on the bottoms of your feet than anywhere on your body so it is better absorbed.  Plus, there are vita flex points on the soles.  WHEN- Bedtime      Please contact me for info on ordering Young Living oils!
  • Young Living Thieves essential oil diffused in living room and bedroom- Thieves oil kills germs in the air and disinfects the home when others are sick (Adam had the flu and we diffused this a few times a day... Lily and I did not catch it!  Magic!)
  •  Homemade Elderberry Syrup- This is a yummy syrup made from elderberries, honey, cinnamon, cloves, and ginger.  Incredible for the immune system and overall health.  1 tsp daily and 1 tsp every few hours when sick.  You can also buy store bought elderberry syrup at health food stores. I use THIS recipe.
  • Warm Lemon Water- Lemon water is incredibly detoxing and balances the pH in body so it can function better.  WHEN- Morning
  • Kefir- This is a yummy cultured drink full of healthy bacteria for your gut.  It tastes like a yogurt smoothie, but has many more probiotics than yogurt.  Find it at any store near the yogurt.  WHEN- 1/2-1 cup daily.  Lily looooves her kefir after her afternoon nap.

Here are some other tricks that keep her healthy- 

  • Epsom Salt baths for detox when sick- Just put in a 1/2 cup in a warm bath.  Soothes achiness too.
  • Peppermint essential oil for fevers- Dilute with olive oil or coconut oil and rub on the back of the neck and top of spine.  This is also a cure all for headaches. 
  • Whole foods diet-  Lily eats lots and lots of organic fruits and veggies.  Food is medicine. 
  • Fresh juice- We juice almost daily- our favorite is apples, beets, spinach, kale, carrots, lemon juice.
  • Positive attitude!!!!  Laughter and prayer and LOVE.  It is most healing. <3

Before writing this, I didn't realize how hard we work to keep our girl healthy!  I hope some of these suggestions help your children too...and you too!  Happy winter!!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Homemade Probiotic Ranch Dressing

Huh?  Probiotics in your ranch?  Yeah!  Instead of those preservatives you can't pronounce and the artificial flavors. 

It. Is. Yum. 

And super healthy for your tum. 

Kefir is a fermented milk drink. You can buy it at any grocery store usually by the yogurt. It has tons of healthy bacteria (probiotics) for your gut. It is similar to yogurt, but is much more beneficial and is drinkable!  Lily looooooves it!  I buy the flavored kind for her to drink and I stick with the unsweetened plain. The plain kefir tastes a lot like buttermilk to me. That's why I wanted to make some ranch!  I've been craving it!!!  

I'm sure I'll perfect the recipe with time, but this is EASY and that is what this lay at home mom is all about. 

Kefir Ranch Dressing

1 cup plain kefir
1 tsp lemon juice
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp dried parsley flakes 
1/2 tsp onion powder (optional)
1/2 tsp salt

Mix it all up and eat it. It's better to let the flavors meld for 30 min, but it's ok if you can't wait. 

I think I'll try to add in some sour cream or thick yogurt to thicken it a bit. I do like runny ranch though!  This was very tasty and very very healthy!  

Sunday, January 11, 2015

New Beginning

Today is my first day of the Cowden Lyme protocol. It's an all herbal regimine for killing Lyme and coinfections. It starts with 3 days of detox herbs that continue through the 9 month program. These detox herbs help to clean out the liver, kidneys, gallbladder, even the brain and nerves. It removes all toxins and man made materials that have accumulated there. It's kinda like starting with a clean slate. So because I'm detoxing all man made materials (think- preservatives, dyes, etc), then I shouldn't add anymore in. This means super clean eating and a medicine cabinet makeover. 

It feels so good that all of the pills in my medicine sorter are supplements and vitamins!  No more antibiotics full of toxins and preservatives!  So I'm also not going to take Tylenol, ibuprofen, Benedryl, etc. 

I plan to use essential oils and all natural supplements. For example, I have been taking Benedryl for years to help me sleep. It really works. But it's also bright pink. It is bright pink!  Natural?  No. So I've switched over to melatonin and it works just as well if not better!  I also diffuse Stress Away from Young Living oils to make me get cozy and sleepy. When I get a headache, I will reach for peppermint and lavender oils. Etc. 

I will not miss my pharmaceuticals. And I will not miss my toxins. This my first day of my new beginning. The first day of my next chapter!

If someone wishes for good health, one must first ask oneself if he is ready to do away with the reasons for his illness. Only then is it possible to help him. ~ Hippocrates 

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Oh Glorious 2015

It's no coincidence that my health took a complete 180 at the end of the most craptastic year.  It was a divine intervention!  It could have happened at any time, but it happened at a time when a true new beginning could take place. 

I have never been so hopeful for a new year.  I usually have all these new year resolutions that I'll never accomplish.  This year it is simply self love.  I want to love myself through and through- nourish my body, stimulate my mind, dance with my emotions. But not all of the above and not on a schedule.  Just SELF LOVE.  Whatever it happens to be at the moment. 

Like right now, since I love myself, I am going to have some lemon water.  I haven't made a goal to drink 3 cups a day at 11, 3, and 6.  I just FEEL what my body is telling me and LOVING what it says and THANKING it for telling me. 

Just like having any relationship, you have to listen and respond.  Don't ignore your partner.  Don't ignore your body. 

I have been feeling fantastic so far in 2015 and I am just so thankful.  I have been given a gift of struggle in order to grow and learn to listen to my body.  I am so excited to share my recipes for happiness and health with you this year.  Stay tuned for fun posts! 

Many blessings for the new year!